Stellar Light
Stellar Light follows the journey of Zoe, a brave young girl chosen by fate to save the realm of Eldoria from the tyrannical King Sargon of Stonewall. Long ago, the celestial star Celestia was a beacon of balance and hope for Eldoria. However, one tragic night, it shattered, scattering its seven radiant fragments across the land.
One fragment landed near Zoe’s secluded home, imbuing her with mysterious powers that grew over time. As Sargon’s dark magic plunges the world into chaos, Zoe realizes her destiny: to recover the remaining fragments of Celestia, restore balance to Eldoria, and confront Sargon to end his reign of tyranny.
Players will experience Zoe’s epic adventure through exploration, combat, and uncovering the secrets of Eldoria, culminating in a final confrontation to determine the fate of the realm.
Game Currently Under Development